Shockwave Therapy

How does it work?

Shockwave therapy is a revolutionary, non-surgical, non-invasive treatment approach for acute and chronic musculoskeletal issues. Approved by the FDA, this specialized therapy has offered lasting relief to millions of patients around the globe. Acoustic shockwaves are passed through the skin to the affected area, it can be utilized in the treatment of most soft tissue and bone pathologies.

The shockwaves stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to facilitate the repair of the damaged tendon and bone. The shockwave treatments generates better blood flow in the targeted parts of the body. It can relieve pain and promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. It accomplishes this by releasing growth factors in the injured tissue.

This approach fills a need for injuries that are not responding to first line treatments, such as rest, ice, therapeutic exercise, bracing and orthotics, but who are not yet ready to consider more-invasive or surgical options.

What can shockwave therapy treat?

Shockwave Therapy can be used to treat acute or chronic pain in bone and over soft tissues including tendon, muscle, ligament, and fascia. Areas and conditions include:

  • Elbow (tennis and golfer’s elbow) and wrist pain

  • Plantar fascitis

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Shoulder tendonitis

  • Hamstring tendonitis

  • Knee pain

  • Myofascial trigger points

Shockwave therapy is approved by the FDA for the treatment of plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow and has been proven in clinical studies to help treat sports injuries such as Achilles and hamstring tendonitis, and shoulder tendonitis.

What to expect?

  • Treatment can range from 10-20 minutes.

  • There is mild discomfort with treatment but it can be tailored to the patient’s comfort level.

  • Mild swelling or bruising may occur in the treatment area, but it is rare.

  • Usually 4-6 treatment visits are needed, in some cases more or less. Some people experience relief after one treatment visit and others need a few treatments to feel relief.